DIY Yoni Oil | Feminine Hygiene Care

reading time: 4 min

"Yoni" is the Sanskrit term for vagina, translating to something like "sacred temple" or "divine passage", and refers to the female reproductive area and center of energy, i.e. vulva, vagina & womb. Personally, I also like the image of a lotus flower. "Yoni" is also a Hebrew name deriving from "Yonatan" and means "gift of God".

Hello loves, today we are making homemade yoni oil 🌺

Yoni oil is an amazing tool to add to your feminine self care routine that h
elps detox and regulate your menstrual cycle, strengthens and moisturises vaginal tissues, helps with dryness in the intimate area, increases libido, lubrication and blood flow, and rejuvenates the skin. The anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties from the oils and herbs help to prevent bacterial and yeast infections and bad odours. It is also said to have an overall healing effect on your physical and emotional womb, potentially aiding in overcoming traumatising experiences, and also fostering feelings of love, passion and desire. It helps with the healing process after child birth or even after painful intercourse.

Additionally this oil can double as a body oil, aphrodisiac massage oil, or as a soothing lotion after shaving or waxing that h
elps with cuts, ingrown hairs, razor bumps, and itching. The oil can be added to bath water for a luxurious bath, and yoni steams as well. 

Although made with all natural ingredients, it is not recommended to use this oil internally. Yoni oil is designed for use on the mons pubis and vulva (including your labia majora and clitoris), so avoid inserting it into your vagina. Otherwise, you risk upsetting your yoni's delicate pH balance and risking infection.
External use only!

In case of fear of allergies, please test the oils on another part of your body before you venture in to complete use of yoni oil.



This recipe is made for a 50 ml / 2 oz bottle, so adjust accordingly!

3 tbsp
cold-pressed organic sweet almond oil
1 tbsp liquid cold-pressed coconut oil (melted in a bowl of hot water)
1 tbsp cold-pressed organic jojoba oil (or grapeseed oil)
1 tbsp cold-pressed organic sunflower oil (or olive oil)
4 drops cold-pressed organic neem oil
3–4 tsp dried herbs of your choice (there are tons of herbs you can use for your yoni oils and yoni steams such as
blue lotus, calendula, chamomile, lavender, rose, rosemary, sage, mugwort, honeysuckle etc.)

3 drops organic lavender essential oil
2 drops organic rose essential oil
2 drops ylang-ylang essential oil
2 drops organic tea tree essential oil (or sage essential oil)

a polished healing crystal to energetically charge the oil (my favourites for womb health are moon stone, rose quartz, clear quartz, amethyst, lapis lazuli, malachite and yellow amber; make sure the gemstone is safe to use for an infusion!)

a clean amber glass bottle or jar with a dropper *
a funnel

* I re-used an old dropper bottle that I sterilized with boiling water and white vinegar.


Disinfect your glass bottle or jar with hot water and alcohol or vinegar if necessary.

Fill your bottle or jar halfway with dried herbs, using a funnel or spoon.

If you haven't already, place your coconut oil into a bowl over a larger bowl filled with hot water, until it turns liquid. Combine your liquid oils, then add to the bottle or jar until the herbs are completely covered.
Give everything a good stir or shake, making sure everything is incorporated.

Put a lid on it, and
place the bottle or jar into the bowl of still-hot water to help the oils and herbs to infuse.

Leave to cure in a dark, cool place for up to about 6 weeks, giving it a shake at least every other day.
Or do the stove-top method where you place your bottled oil over a steaming double boiler for 4–6 hours on very low heat. However, I prefer the cold infusion.

Add essential oils at the end of the curing or steaming process. Strain herbs (although it's not necessary; you can also leave them in the oil).


Apply a dropper full (or up to 1 tsp) of yoni oil to your fingers and massage around the intimate area. Do this process up to once or twice
daily, for example in the morning and at night after washing, or less frequently. Whatever feels right for you.

Best to use after a bath or shower.

Do not use if pregnant!
If you have any negative side effects, please seek professional help from a doctor.

Shake before each use.

- Using
fresh herbs instead of dried makes for a stronger oil.
Instead of placing the herbs directly into the bottle or jar, you can also put them into a cheesecloth or tea bag, and place that into the bottle or jar.
You can also do a solar infusion by letting the oil bottle sit in the sun for a few weeks, shaking it daily. Or do a lunar infusion by letting the oil bottle bathe in direct moonlight overnight, preferably on a full moon. The latter
method is especially great for yoni oil because in many ancient cultures the moon symbolizes feminine energy, while the sun symbolizes masculine energy.
- You can also crystal-charge your oils before using them in this blend to make the most of their healing power. For example, moonstone opens up your feminine and emotional nature, while rose quartz builds and restores love and compassion for self and others, and lapis lazuli relieves depression and painful menstruation. It's up to you!
- A great side effect of applying the yoni oil with your fingers it that you can use the remaining oil to massage into your cuticles and finger nails. Even if you wash your hands shortly after, you'll get the nourishing properties of the oil that will strengthen your nails and soften your cuticles.
- In terms of which herbs to use in your yoni oil, I recommend reading the Herb Bible by From Felicia. For example, she writes that lavender purifies the yoni, whereas rose petals help to heal traumas and to find self-love again, while chamomile helps cure fibroids, and calendula or marigold brings comfort to trauma sufferers, balances oestrogen hormones, and cleanses a hardened uterus. I also found it interesting to learn that chamomile, lavender, marigold, rosemary, sage, basil, ginger and St. John's wort are considered masculine herbs, while rose, red raspberry, mugwort, Lady's mantle, comfrey, hibiscus, lemonbalm, sandalwood and yarrow are considered feminine herbs.
