reading time: 3 min Making apple cider vinegar at home has become one of my favourite homesteading traditions for fall over the past three years for several reasons:1) it's cheap, basically free (all you need is apple scraps from baking, or whole...
  reading time: 3 min Bright yellow daffodils are popping up here in Northern Germany, the trees are starting to don their greenish spring coats, and the air is beginning to smell like pollen. And, of course, the first wild herbs like goutweed,...
    reading time: 7 min I'm officially quitting social media. (Or more specifically, Instagram.)The thought of deleting my Instagram account has been on my mind for the past couple of months, and I have now finally decided to permanently uninstall it from my...
   reading time: 4 min I first encountered medicinal wines that use herbs and spices for healing purposes during a 4-day Green Witch Retreat I attended last year. During the retreat we also made this healing herb infused honey wine, also known as...
  reading time: 4 min Christmas is slowly approaching, and the dreariness and cold of winter lies ahead of us. Today's cookies are meant to provide you with a boost of energy and strength for the coming months.The nerve cookies ("Nervenkekse") are inspired...
 reading time: 2 min Hey friends! I hope you are doing well 💛 Not gonna lie, I feel a bit out of practice with blogging after my unexpected "autumn hiatus". How do you use a camera again?!After visiting friends last weekend and being...
  reading time: 2 min He had stopped noticing the fantastic cloud shapes now and was thinking longingly of the train miles below, where you could buy ice-cold pumpkin juice from a trolley pushed by a plump witch.Harry Potter and the Chamber of...
  reading time: 2 min I call this my ZuBaChoSo. Short for "zucchini banana bread with chocolate chips and sourdough" also known as "Carrie's chocolate chip zucchini bread but make it vegan and sourdough", lol. Since both of these names aren't that great,...
  reading time: 4 min Have you ever wondered why Monday is called Monday? Or Sunday is called Sunday? The latter already hints at it – the seven days of the week were originally named after the classical planets in Hellenistic astronomy which...
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